The Idaho Opioid Misuse & Overdose Workgroup is a multifaceted group of stakeholders deeply concerned and committed to reducing the burden of the opioid crisis in Idaho. The Idaho Opioid Misuse & Overdose Strategic Plan is the guiding document for the Workgroup and identifies four key goal areas to address the epidemic in a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to support the plan’s 2022 vision of “A safe and healthy Idaho, free of opioid misuse and untreated opioid use disorders.” You can learn more about the Workgroup and Strategic Plan here.
Each year the Workgroup convenes at an Annual Retreat to review the progress, successes, and challenges of the past year and update the Strategic Plan for the year ahead. You can review the 2020 Update for the Idaho Opioid Misuse & Overdose Strategic Plan here.
The 2021 Annual Retreat will take place on April 27 & 28, 2021. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s retreat will be held virtually.
Day one of the Retreat on April 27 is only open to current Workgroup members. However, day two of the Retreat on April 28, from 9am-4pm MST, is open to everyone at no cost.
Registration is now closed.
If you are interested in participating in future Idaho Opioid Misuse & Overdose Workgroup activities email Jessie Dexter at