This series is brought to you by Drug and Alcohol Trends Education, Cottonwood Police Department, Idaho North Central Public Health, and the Region 2 Behavioral Health Board through a Partnerships for Success Grant from the Idaho Office of Drug Policy.
**POST Credit available through Cottonwood Police Department, email Danielle with your POST Roster info after EACH webinar you attend. **
September 7th – Alcohol & Youth
Alcohol has been around for generations and is one of the most widely abused substances by youth under 21. The current trends around alcohol today are to be more potent, flavorful, and overall dangerous.
This 1-hour webinar will explain the most common ways alcohol is abused and how dangerous this abuse can truly be especially to the still developing youth brain. From binge drinking, to alcopops, to combining alcohol with other substances alcohol abuse continues to be a rising problem with youth.
October 12th – Rx & OTC Medication Abuse
Prescription and Over the Counter Medication abuse is a drastically growing trend among both youth and adults. They are easy to acquire, use, and conceal when compared to most “street” drugs.
This 1-hour webinar will break down the most abused types of medications and the possible effects they could have on the user.
November 9th – Marijuana Concentrates
Marijuana today is not what it was “back in the day”. Today’s marijuana is like the early 1900’s tobacco, an old product being marketed in a new way.
This 1-hour webinar will discuss the trends of Marijuana, specifically relating to concentrates and their significant potency increases.
December 7th – Vaping/E-Cigs
Vaping has become and extremely popular trend, especially among youth. Even with a lot of the new regulations in place. Many new vaping devices can be extremely difficult to identify and notice.
This 1-hour webinar will provide you with the history of vaping, how E-cigarette’s work, the difference in devices, as well as the negative impacts they could pose on the user’s health.
2022 TBD – Media Influence
Youth can be extremely impressionable, especially by big name influencers and brands. Not all brands and influencers have a positive impact on youth though and promote delinquency and substance abuse. It is also common to keep substance abuse on the down low from those who oppose it.
This 1-hour webinar will discuss the current media influencers including clothing, music, and the lingo.
2022 TBD – Diversion Safes/Stash Containers
The methods of keeping use and abuse concealed from the public is constantly evolving and become increasingly discrete.
This 1-hour webinar will discuss varying types of stash containers and diversion safes.
2022 TBD – Illicit & Semi-Illicit Substances
Drug abuse is constantly evolving and is extremely difficult for researchers and scientists to keep up with. From plant-based substances to lab created synthetics the world of substance abuse is massive.
This 1-hour webinar will cover newer substances of abuse and the possible effects and dangers they could pose to users and responders.
2022 TBD – First Responder Alerts
First responders are expected to assist in any situation