The Office of Drug Policy (ODP) is offering mini-grant awards for SFY 2023. This funding is to be used by prevention providers seeking funding to provide substance misuse services directly to youth, families and other at-risk individuals of Idaho, and/or community coalitions seeking funding to employ environmental strategies designed to reduce the impact of substance misuse at the community level.
- Application Release Date: October 17, 2022
- Application Due Date: CLOSED
- Grant Award Period: October 2022-June 30, 2023
- Anticipated Total Funding Available: $200,000.00
- Estimated Number of Awards: 10-20
Applications will be completed and submitted online at:
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can apply for the mini-grants?
Eligible applicants include any governmental entity (including tribal entities), such as counties, cities, schools and school districts, local law enforcement agencies, other public entities and non-profit private entities such as community-based organizations.
What can the mini-grant cover?
Mini-grant funding may be used for expenses related to the implementation of substance misuse prevention and awareness projects and activities under the following categories:
- Staff time
- Mileage
- Other/Supplies/Materials
Mini-grant funding may not be used for:
- Supplanting current funds dedicated to staff, operational expenses, or ongoing activities
- Capital costs (construction or renovation)
- Purchasing computers or other electronic equipment not specifically required for the implementation of prevention programs or activities
What is the average size of the mini-grant award?
Mini-grant awards average approximately $10,000 – $20,000 dollars
What are the Grantee Responsibilities with the mini-grant?
If awarded, grantees are required to submit the following documentation:
- Quarterly Activity Reports documenting information about activities and persons reached by funded activities
- Financial Requests for Reimbursement Form documenting funds expended (payment of grant funds is made on a reimbursement basis only)
Questions? Contact Jessie Dexter at